
Want to help support the server and get exclusive items while doing it? Donate below. Some spots are limited

NOTE: Donations are non-refundable so be sure of what you are donating and what you are looking for. Thank You



$10,000 - In-Game cash

Entry Into Drawing  ( You will be entered to win the month's free car or money)

2 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

2 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%) 



$25,000 - In-Game cash

Entry Into Drawing ( You will be entered to win the month's free car or money)

3 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

3 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%)

2 - MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

1 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change to.)



$50,000 - In-Game cash

Entry Into Drawing ( You will be entered to win the month's free car or money)

3 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

3 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%)

2 - MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

1 - Look The Other Way Passe ( Like a get out of jail free card) 

1 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change to.)



$100,000 - In-Game cash

Free Car (Monthly car)

6 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

6 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%)

3 - MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

1 - Look The Other Way Passes ( Like a get out of jail free cards) 

1 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change to.)



$200,000 - In-Game cash

Own A Store ( You get to pick a store to own)

Free Car (Monthly Car)

8 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

8 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%)

4 - MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

1 - Look The Other Way Passes ( Like a get out of jail free cards) 

1 - House ( You get to pick a house, one that is marker-based) 

1 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change to.)



$500,000 - In-Game cash

Work AT A Car Dealership ( You get the commission on each sale)


Mechanic Shop ( Own your own shop and run it.)

Own A Store ( You get to pick a store)

Own A Gas Station ( You get to pick a Gas Station. LIMITED PICK)

Free Car ( Monthy Car)

10 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

10 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%)

5 - MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

2 - Look The Other Way Passes ( Like a get out of jail free cards)

1 - House ( You get to pick a house, one that you can just walk in. LIMITED PICK) 

2 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change too. Plus one for work)



Own A Car Dealership( Own a car dealership you get all the money) 


Mechanic Shop ( Own your own shop and run it.) $250,000 - In-Game cash

Own A Store ( You get to pick a store)

Own A Gas Station ( You get to pick a Gas Station)

Free Car ( Monthy Car)

12 - Super Snacks (Fills your hunger 100%)

12 - Super Slurps (Fills your thirst 100%)

6 - MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

2 - Look The Other Way Passes ( Like a get out of jail free cards)

1 - House ( You get to pick a house, one that you can just walk in.) 

2 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change to. Plus one for work)



$15,000 - In-Game cash(PER MEMBER)

Gang Job ( The leader gets to set up the gang job )



$30,000 - In-Game cash (PER MEMBER)

Gang Job ( The leader gets to set up the gang job )

MRE ( Fills your thirst & hunger 100%) 

Guns ( Pistol, Rifle, Ammo) 

2 - Look The Other Way Passes ( Like a get out of jail free cards)

1 - Gang House

1 - Outfit Bag ( A bag that allows you to save outfits in and change to.)